Saturday, February 19, 2011

my first skirt

I have never made any clothes before other than a pillowcase dress. I was always very interested but just like the free motion quilting it scares me somehow. :/
A while ago I found this easy sewing pattern on etsy. You don't need a special foot for it, only elastic sewing thread and a thin elastic band.
And when I say it's easy, it's REALLY easy. It takes a little bit to make the waste band but other than that, I had it finished within a few hours.


I bought this really cute fabric today I wanted to use for this project.


Then I started cutting and sewing with the famous stretchable thread. It's not as scary as it sounds.


And this is what the finished product looks like! Unfortunately it turned out too big for me. BUMMER!!! Not sure now what I will do with it. I think I will buy the same fabric again and make another one but a little bit smaller.


  1. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the fabric and the skirt looks beautiful and with great quality!! It is so empowering to be able to make your own clothes!!!


  2. Its SO cute!! You can give it to me. ;O)

  3. Beautiful. I say post it up on your page and sell it! :D Or maybe raffle it off to someone.

  4. Thanks girls! I just put it in the washer, maybe it will shrink some. lol.
    As I said, it is a very easy tutorial. So if you always wanted to make your own clothes, this is a great one to start with!

  5. seeehr cool :) und ich bewunder dich total mit deiner näherei. ich habe mir jetzt labels gekauft um die auf meine strick und häkelsachen zu nähen. ich stell mich an wie der erste mensch! aber übung macht den meister ;)

  6. Danke Susi,
    ich muss mir auch unbedingt bald gescheite Labels kaufen, aber damit warte ich bis wir umziehen.
    Also der Rock war echt total einfach. Ich hab naemlich auch total Angst gehabt, dass ich ihn versau. lol

  7. Der Rock sieht super aus, den Stoff finde ich total klasse!
