Monday, February 21, 2011

Kids lounge pants

 Last evening I was browsing the www to find out how to make lounge pants for kids. And no, I don't call them pajama pants because I don't want my kids to catch on fire at night. Because that might just happen to your little one if he wears loose pajamas while sleeping. If you don't know what I am talking about, you either don't have kids or you don't read the selvage of cotton flannel fabric. muahaha
They turned out a little longer than wanted but I'll just leave it this way. I also have to buy some of the wider elastic band to use for the next pair. This one was only 1/4" wide which works but I think a wider band would be more comfy.


  1. Savaria! You're crazy with the amount of stuff you are sewing! Such talent!!!!


  2. Jen, it really doesn't take much time to sew those pants! And thank you! :)

  3. Ohh I want to learn! Ive got 7 nieces and nephews i could make them for!! :O)

  4. ich frag mich auch immer warum man Flannel nicht fuer Schlafanzuege nehmen soll, aber du hast Recht, besser als das die Kinder in Flammen aufgehen LOL

    die Hosen sehen schoen aus, ich nehm glaub ich immer 1 inch elastic

  5. Super geworden! Ich liebe solche "Lounge-Hosen" (super Name), denn Stoff dafür hab ich schon seit ca. 3 Jahren daheim - lol.
